92KdDummyDPC(PKDPC Dpc, PVOID DeferredContext, PVOID SystemArgument1, PVOID SystemArgument2);
109 _In_
BOOLEAN PauseBreaksUntilSpecialMessageSent,
225 _In_reads_bytes_opt_(OptionalBufferLength)
CHAR * OptionalBuffer,
226 _In_
UINT32 OptionalBufferLength);
230 _In_
UINT32 OptionalBufferLength,
231 _In_
UINT32 OperationCode);
unsigned short UINT16
Definition BasicTypes.h:47
Definition BasicTypes.h:39
unsigned char BYTE
Definition BasicTypes.h:24
#define VOID
Definition BasicTypes.h:33
unsigned __int64 UINT64
Definition BasicTypes.h:21
unsigned int UINT32
Definition BasicTypes.h:48
char CHAR
Definition BasicTypes.h:31
enum for different packet types in HyperDbg packets
enum for requested action for HyperDbg packet
enum for reasons why debuggee is paused
enum to query different process and thread interception mechanisms
VOID KdContinueDebuggeeJustCurrentCore(PROCESSOR_DEBUGGING_STATE *DbgState)
continue the debuggee, just the current operating core
Definition Kd.c:616
BOOLEAN KdCheckTargetCoreIsLocked(UINT32 CoreNumber)
Check whether a specific target core is locked or not.
Definition Kd.c:1734
VOID KdRegularStepInInstruction(PROCESSOR_DEBUGGING_STATE *DbgState)
Regular step-in | step one instruction to the debuggee.
Definition Kd.c:1515
before halting any core, all the tasks will be applied to all cores including the main core
Definition Kd.c:517
_Use_decl_annotations_ VOID KdReloadSymbolDetailsInDebuggee(PDEBUGGEE_SYMBOL_REQUEST_PACKET SymPacket)
Notify user-mode to re-send (reload) the symbol packets.
Definition Kd.c:851
_Use_decl_annotations_ BOOLEAN KdReadMemory(PGUEST_REGS Regs, PDEBUGGEE_REGISTER_READ_DESCRIPTION ReadRegisterRequest)
read registers
Definition Kd.c:688
VOID KdNotifyDebuggeeForUserInput(DEBUGGEE_USER_INPUT_PACKET *Descriptor, UINT32 Len)
Notify user-mode to about new user-input buffer.
Definition Kd.c:876
VOID KdGuaranteedStepInstruction(PROCESSOR_DEBUGGING_STATE *DbgState)
apply a guaranteed step one instruction to the debuggee
Definition Kd.c:1406
BOOLEAN KdPerformEventQueryAndModification(PDEBUGGER_MODIFY_EVENTS ModifyAndQueryEvent)
Perform modify and query events.
Definition Kd.c:2084
_Use_decl_annotations_ VOID KdContinueDebuggee(PROCESSOR_DEBUGGING_STATE *DbgState, BOOLEAN PauseBreaksUntilSpecialMessageSent, DEBUGGER_REMOTE_PACKET_REQUESTED_ACTION SpeialEventResponse)
continue the debuggee, this function guarantees that all other cores are continued (except current co...
Definition Kd.c:583
_Use_decl_annotations_ BYTE KdComputeDataChecksum(PVOID Buffer, UINT32 Length)
calculate the checksum of received buffer from debugger
Definition Kd.c:270
VOID KdCustomDebuggerBreakSpinlockLock(PROCESSOR_DEBUGGING_STATE *DbgState, volatile LONG *Lock)
Tries to get the lock and won't return until successfully get the lock.
Definition Kd.c:993
Send event registration buffer to user-mode to register the event.
Definition Kd.c:1584
VOID KdCloseConnectionAndUnloadDebuggee()
Notify user-mode to unload the debuggee and close the connections.
Definition Kd.c:827
read registers
Definition Kd.c:639
VOID KdDispatchAndPerformCommandsFromDebugger(PROCESSOR_DEBUGGING_STATE *DbgState)
This function applies commands from the debugger to the debuggee.
Definition Kd.c:2292
Send action buffer to user-mode to be added to the event.
Definition Kd.c:1636
VOID KdDummyDPC(PKDPC Dpc, PVOID DeferredContext, PVOID SystemArgument1, PVOID SystemArgument2)
A test function for DPC.
Definition Kd.c:184
VOID KdFireDpc(PVOID Routine, PVOID Parameter)
Add a DPC to dpc queue.
Definition Kd.c:202
change the current operating core to new core
Definition Kd.c:736
VOID KdQuerySystemState()
Query state of the system.
Definition Kd.c:1762
VOID KdRegularStepOver(PROCESSOR_DEBUGGING_STATE *DbgState, BOOLEAN IsNextInstructionACall, UINT32 CallLength)
Regular step-over | step one instruction to the debuggee if there is a call then it jumps the call.
Definition Kd.c:1536
VOID KdBroadcastHaltOnAllCores()
routines for broadcast system halt
Definition Kd.c:3361
VOID KdApplyTasksPostContinueCore(PROCESSOR_DEBUGGING_STATE *DbgState)
before continue any core, all the tasks will be applied to all cores including the main core
Definition Kd.c:556
BOOLEAN KdCheckAllCoresAreLocked()
Check whether all cores are locked or not.
Definition Kd.c:1701
RequestedActionOfThePacket Value(0x1) 00000000
The structure of changing core packet in HyperDbg.
Definition RequestStructures.h:599
The structure of user-input packet in HyperDbg.
Definition DataTypes.h:156
Register Descriptor Structure to use in r command.
Definition RequestStructures.h:1156
request to change the process
Definition Kd.h:39
UINT32 ProcessId
Definition Kd.h:40
PVOID Process
Definition Kd.h:41
request to change the thread
Definition Kd.h:50
PVOID Thread
Definition Kd.h:52
UINT32 ThreadId
Definition Kd.h:51
request to pause and halt the system
Definition Kd.h:61
volatile BOOLEAN PauseBreaksUntilSpecialMessageSent
Definition Kd.h:62
Definition Kd.h:63
The structure of .sym reload packet in HyperDbg.
Definition RequestStructures.h:1047
The structure of user-input packet in HyperDbg.
Definition DataTypes.h:140
Status of register buffers.
Definition Events.h:423
request for modifying events (enable/disable/clear)
Definition Events.h:242
request to pause and halt the system
Definition DataTypes.h:178
The structure of detail of a triggered event in HyperDbg.
Definition DataTypes.h:192
store the details of a hardware debug register to ignore any trigger for other threads
Definition Kd.h:73
UINT32 ThreadId
Definition Kd.h:76
UINT64 Address
Definition Kd.h:74
UINT32 ProcessId
Definition Kd.h:75
Saves the debugger state.
Definition State.h:165
Definition BasicTypes.h:70