HyperDbg Debugger
No Matches
ll1_parser Namespace Reference


class  LL1Parser

Detailed Description

 * @file ll1_parse_table_generator.py
 * @author M.H. Gholamrezei (mh@hyperdbg.org)
 * @author Sina Karvandi (sina@hyperdbg.org)
 * @brief Script engine LL(1) Parse table generator 
 * @details This program reads grammar from Greammar.txt file 
 *          placed in the same directory of the program 
 *          and creates parse_table.h and parse_table.c which is 
 *          used by the parser of script engine. 
 * @version 0.1
 * @date 2020-10-24
 * @copyright This project is released under the GNU Public License v3.