HyperDbg Debugger
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globals.h File Reference

Global Variables for user-mode interface. More...

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BOOLEAN g_RtmSupport = FALSE
 check for RTM support
UINT32 g_VirtualAddressWidth = 0
 Virtual address width for x86 processors.
BOOLEAN g_IsInterpreterOnString = FALSE
 shows whether the interpreter is currently on a string or not
BOOLEAN g_IsInterpreterPreviousCharacterABackSlash = FALSE
 Is interpreter encountered a back slash at previous run.
UINT32 g_InterpreterCountOfOpenCurlyBrackets = 0
 Keeps the trace of curly brackets in the interpreter.
 the buffer that we set at the end of buffers for tcp connection
BOOLEAN g_IsConnectedToHyperDbgLocally = FALSE
 Shows whether the user is allowed to use 'load' command to load modules locally in VMI (virtual machine introspection) mode.
BOOLEAN g_IsConnectedToRemoteDebuggee = FALSE
 Shows whether the current debugger is the host and connected to a remote debuggee (guest)
BOOLEAN g_IsConnectedToRemoteDebugger = FALSE
 Shows whether the current system is a guest (debuggee) and a remote debugger is connected to this system.
SOCKET g_ClientConnectSocket = {0}
 The socket object of host debugger (not debuggee) it is because in HyperDbg, debuggee is server and debugger is a client.
SOCKET g_SeverSocket = {0}
 The socket object of guest debuggee (not debugger) it is because in HyperDbg, debugger is client and debuggee is a server.
SOCKET g_ServerListenSocket = {0}
 Server in debuggee needs an extra socket.
string g_ServerPort = ""
 In debugger (not debuggee), we save the port of server debuggee in this variable to use it later e.g, in signature.
string g_ServerIp = ""
 In debugger (not debuggee), we save the port of server debuggee in this variable to use it later e.g, in signature.
HANDLE g_RemoteDebuggeeListeningThread = NULL
 In debugger (not debuggee), we save the ip of server debuggee in this variable to use it later e.g, in signature.
HANDLE g_IsDriverLoadedSuccessfully = NULL
 Handle to show that if the debugger is loaded successfully.
HANDLE g_EndOfMessageReceivedEvent = NULL
 Handle to if the end of the message received (for showing signature)
BOOLEAN g_IsEndOfMessageReceived = FALSE
 variable to keep track if the end of the message received (for showing signature)
BOOLEAN g_SerialConnectionAlreadyClosed = FALSE
 In both debuggee and debugger we save the state of the closed connection to avoid double close.
BOOLEAN g_IgnorePauseRequests = FALSE
 Show whether the pause request (CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK) should be ignored or not.
BOOLEAN g_IsUserDebuggerInitialized = FALSE
 Whether the user debugger is initialized or not.
 In debugger (not debuggee), we save the handle of the user-mode listening thread for pauses here for user debugger.
 the buffer that we set at the end of buffers for serial
 In debugger (not debuggee), we save the handle of the user-mode listening thread for pauses here for kernel debugger.
BYTE g_CurrentRunningInstruction [MAXIMUM_INSTR_SIZE] = {0}
 Current executing instructions.
BOOLEAN g_IsRunningInstruction32Bit = FALSE
 whether the Current executing instructions is 32-bit or 64 bit
HANDLE g_SerialListeningThreadHandle = NULL
 In debuggee and debugger, we save the handle of the user-mode listening thread for pauses here.
HANDLE g_SerialRemoteComPortHandle = NULL
 In debugger (not debuggee), we save the handle of the user-mode listening thread for remote system here.
BOOLEAN g_IsSerialConnectedToRemoteDebuggee = FALSE
 Shows if the debugger was connected to remote debuggee over (A remote guest)
BOOLEAN g_IsSerialConnectedToRemoteDebugger = FALSE
 Shows if the debugger was connected to remote debugger (A remote host)
BOOLEAN g_IsDebuggeeInHandshakingPhase = FALSE
 Shows if the debuggee is in the handshake phase or not.
BOOLEAN g_IsDebuggeeRunning = FALSE
 Shows if the debuggee is running or not.
BOOLEAN g_IgnoreNewLoggingMessages = FALSE
 Shows if the debugger should show debuggee's messages or not.
 Current core that the debuggee is debugging.
BOOLEAN g_IsDebuggerConntectedToNamedPipe = FALSE
 Shows if the debugger is connected to the guest using named pipe.
HANDLE g_DebuggeeStopCommandEventHandle = NULL
 An event to make sure that the user won't give any command in debuggee and all the commands are coming from just the debugger.
DEBUGGER_EVENT_AND_ACTION_RESULT g_DebuggeeResultOfRegisteringEvent = {0}
 Holds the result of registering events from the remote debuggee.
DEBUGGER_EVENT_AND_ACTION_RESULT g_DebuggeeResultOfAddingActionsToEvent
 Holds the result of adding action to events from the remote debuggee.
OVERLAPPED g_OverlappedIoStructureForReadDebugger = {0}
 This is an OVERLAPPED structure for managing simultaneous read and writes for debugger (in current design debuggee is not needed to write simultaneously but it's needed for write)
OVERLAPPED g_OverlappedIoStructureForWriteDebugger = {0}
OVERLAPPED g_OverlappedIoStructureForReadDebuggee = {0}
BOOLEAN g_SharedEventStatus = FALSE
 Shows whether the queried event is enabled or disabled.
BOOLEAN g_ShouldPreviousCommandBeContinued
 Shows whether the previous command should be continued or not.
CommandType g_CommandsList
 List of command and attributes.
 Holder of global variables for script engine.
 Holder of local variables for script engine.
 Holder of temp variables for script engine.
BOOLEAN g_IsCommandListInitialized = FALSE
 Is list of command initialized.
BOOLEAN g_IsDebuggerModulesLoaded = FALSE
 this variable is used to indicate that modules are loaded so we make sure to later use a trace of loading in 'unload' command (used in Debugger VMM)
ACTIVE_DEBUGGING_PROCESS g_ActiveProcessDebuggingState = {0}
 State of active debugging thread.
UINT32 g_ProcessIdOfLatestStartingProcess = NULL
 The process id of the latest starting process.
UINT64 g_EventTag = DebuggerEventTagStartSeed
 This variable holds the trace and generate numbers for new tags of events.
UINT64 g_OutputSourceTag = DebuggerOutputSourceTagStartSeed
 This variable holds the trace and generate numbers for unique tag of the output resources.
BOOLEAN g_EventTraceInitialized = FALSE
 it shows whether the debugger started using events or not or in other words, is g_EventTrace initialized with a variable or it is empty
LIST_ENTRY g_EventTrace = {0}
 Holds a list of events in kernel and the state of events and the commands to show the state of each command (disabled/enabled)
BOOLEAN g_OutputSourcesInitialized = FALSE
 it shows whether the debugger started using output sources or not or in other words, is g_OutputSources initialized with a variable or it is empty
LIST_ENTRY g_OutputSources = {0}
 Holds a list of output sources created by output command.
TCHAR g_DriverLocation [MAX_PATH] = {0}
 Holds the location driver to install it.
TCHAR g_DriverName [MAX_PATH] = {0}
 Holds the name of the driver to install it.
BOOLEAN g_UseCustomDriverLocation = FALSE
 Whether the user wants to use a custom driver location or not.
TCHAR g_TestLocation [MAX_PATH] = {0}
 Holds the location test-hyperdbg.exe.
PVOID g_MessageHandler = 0
 The handler for ShowMessages function this is because the user might choose not to use printf and instead use his/her handler for showing messages.
PVOID g_MessageHandlerSharedBuffer = 0
 The shared buffer for the handler of ShowMessages function.
BOOLEAN g_IsVmxOffProcessStart
 Shows whether the vmxoff process start or not.
HANDLE g_DeviceHandle
 Holds the global handle of device which is used to send the request to the kernel by IOCTL, this handle is not used for IRP Pending of message tracing this handle is used in KD VMM.
 Shows whether the '.logopen' command is executed and the log file is open or not.
ofstream g_LogOpenFile
 The object of log file ('.logopen' command)
BOOLEAN g_ExecutingScript = FALSE
 Shows whether the target is executing a script form '.script' command or executing script by an argument.
BOOLEAN g_BreakPrintingOutput = FALSE
 Shows whether the pause command or CTRL+C or CTRL+Break is executed or not.
BOOLEAN g_IsExecutingSymbolLoadingRoutines = FALSE
 Executing symbol reloading or downloading routines.
std::map< UINT64, LOCAL_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONg_DisassemblerSymbolMap
 Symbol table for disassembler.
BOOLEAN g_TransparentResultsMeasured = FALSE
 Shows whether the user executed and mesaured '!measure' command or not, it is because we want to use these measurements later in '!hide' command.
UINT64 g_CpuidAverage = 0
 The average calculated from the measurements of cpuid '!measure' command.
UINT64 g_CpuidStandardDeviation = 0
 The standard deviation calculated from the measurements of cpuid '!measure' command.
UINT64 g_CpuidMedian = 0
 The median calculated from the measurements of cpuid '!measure' command.
UINT64 g_RdtscAverage = 0
 The average calculated from the measurements of rdtsc/p '!measure' command.
UINT64 g_RdtscStandardDeviation = 0
 The standard deviation calculated from the measurements of rdtsc/p '!measure' command.
UINT64 g_RdtscMedian = 0
 The median calculated from the measurements of rdtsc/p '!measure' command.
BOOLEAN g_IsInstrumentingInstructions = FALSE
 Shows whether the user is running 't', 'p', or 'i' command.
UINT64 g_KernelBaseAddress
 Shows the kernel base address.
BOOLEAN g_AutoUnpause = TRUE
 Whether auto-unpause mode is enabled or not enabled.
BOOLEAN g_AddressConversion = TRUE
 Whether converting addresses to object names or not.
 Whether auto-flush mode is enabled or not enabled.
UINT32 g_DisassemblerSyntax = 1
 Shows the syntax used in !u !u2 u u2 commands.
 The buffer that stores the details of symbol table.
UINT32 g_SymbolTableSize = NULL
 The buffer that stores size of the details of symbol table.
UINT32 g_SymbolTableCurrentIndex = NULL
 The index to hold the track of added symbols.
UINT64 g_ResultOfEvaluatedExpression = NULL
 Result of the expression that is evaluated in the debuggee.
UINT32 g_ErrorStateOfResultOfEvaluatedExpression = NULL
 Shows the state of the evaluation of expression which whether contains error or not.
std::wstring g_StartCommandPath = L""
 the start path used in .start command
std::wstring g_StartCommandPathAndArguments = L""
 the start arguments used in .start command
UINT64 g_CurrentExprEvalResult
 global variable to save the result of script-engine statement tests
BOOLEAN g_CurrentExprEvalResultHasError
 global variable to detect if there was an error in the result of script-engine statement tests
 Instance information of the current hwdbg debuggee.
BOOLEAN g_HwdbgInstanceInfoIsValid
 Shows whether the instance info is valid (received) or not.
std::vector< UINT32g_HwdbgPortConfiguration
 Ports configuration of hwdbg.

Detailed Description

Global Variables for user-mode interface.

Sina Karvandi (sina@.nosp@m.hype.nosp@m.rdbg..nosp@m.org)

Variable Documentation

◆ g_ActiveProcessDebuggingState

ACTIVE_DEBUGGING_PROCESS g_ActiveProcessDebuggingState = {0}

State of active debugging thread.


◆ g_AddressConversion

BOOLEAN g_AddressConversion = TRUE

Whether converting addresses to object names or not.

it is enabled by default

◆ g_AutoFlush


Whether auto-flush mode is enabled or not enabled.

it is disabled by default

◆ g_AutoUnpause

BOOLEAN g_AutoUnpause = TRUE

Whether auto-unpause mode is enabled or not enabled.

it is enabled by default

◆ g_BreakPrintingOutput

BOOLEAN g_BreakPrintingOutput = FALSE

Shows whether the pause command or CTRL+C or CTRL+Break is executed or not.

◆ g_ClientConnectSocket

SOCKET g_ClientConnectSocket = {0}

The socket object of host debugger (not debuggee) it is because in HyperDbg, debuggee is server and debugger is a client.


◆ g_CommandsList

CommandType g_CommandsList

List of command and attributes.

◆ g_CpuidAverage

UINT64 g_CpuidAverage = 0

The average calculated from the measurements of cpuid '!measure' command.

◆ g_CpuidMedian

UINT64 g_CpuidMedian = 0

The median calculated from the measurements of cpuid '!measure' command.

◆ g_CpuidStandardDeviation

UINT64 g_CpuidStandardDeviation = 0

The standard deviation calculated from the measurements of cpuid '!measure' command.

◆ g_CurrentExprEvalResult

UINT64 g_CurrentExprEvalResult

global variable to save the result of script-engine statement tests

◆ g_CurrentExprEvalResultHasError

BOOLEAN g_CurrentExprEvalResultHasError

global variable to detect if there was an error in the result of script-engine statement tests

◆ g_CurrentRemoteCore

Current core that the debuggee is debugging.

◆ g_CurrentRunningInstruction

BYTE g_CurrentRunningInstruction[MAXIMUM_INSTR_SIZE] = {0}

Current executing instructions.


◆ g_DebuggeeResultOfAddingActionsToEvent

DEBUGGER_EVENT_AND_ACTION_RESULT g_DebuggeeResultOfAddingActionsToEvent
Initial value:
= {

Holds the result of adding action to events from the remote debuggee.

289 {
290 0};

◆ g_DebuggeeResultOfRegisteringEvent

DEBUGGER_EVENT_AND_ACTION_RESULT g_DebuggeeResultOfRegisteringEvent = {0}

Holds the result of registering events from the remote debuggee.


◆ g_DebuggeeStopCommandEventHandle

HANDLE g_DebuggeeStopCommandEventHandle = NULL

An event to make sure that the user won't give any command in debuggee and all the commands are coming from just the debugger.

◆ g_DeviceHandle

HANDLE g_DeviceHandle

Holds the global handle of device which is used to send the request to the kernel by IOCTL, this handle is not used for IRP Pending of message tracing this handle is used in KD VMM.

◆ g_DisassemblerSymbolMap

std::map<UINT64, LOCAL_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION> g_DisassemblerSymbolMap

Symbol table for disassembler.

◆ g_DisassemblerSyntax

UINT32 g_DisassemblerSyntax = 1

Shows the syntax used in !u !u2 u u2 commands.

INTEL = 1, ATT = 2, MASM = 3

◆ g_DriverLocation

TCHAR g_DriverLocation[MAX_PATH] = {0}

Holds the location driver to install it.


◆ g_DriverName

TCHAR g_DriverName[MAX_PATH] = {0}

Holds the name of the driver to install it.


◆ g_EndOfBufferCheckSerial

Initial value:
= {
Definition Constants.h:435
Definition Constants.h:433
characters of the buffer that we set at the end of buffers for serial
Definition Constants.h:432
Definition Constants.h:434

the buffer that we set at the end of buffers for serial

◆ g_EndOfBufferCheckTcp

Initial value:
= {
Definition Constants.h:447
characters of the buffer that we set at the end of buffers for tcp
Definition Constants.h:446
Definition Constants.h:449
Definition Constants.h:448

the buffer that we set at the end of buffers for tcp connection

◆ g_EndOfMessageReceivedEvent

HANDLE g_EndOfMessageReceivedEvent = NULL

Handle to if the end of the message received (for showing signature)

◆ g_ErrorStateOfResultOfEvaluatedExpression

UINT32 g_ErrorStateOfResultOfEvaluatedExpression = NULL

Shows the state of the evaluation of expression which whether contains error or not.

◆ g_EventTag

This variable holds the trace and generate numbers for new tags of events.

◆ g_EventTrace

LIST_ENTRY g_EventTrace = {0}

Holds a list of events in kernel and the state of events and the commands to show the state of each command (disabled/enabled)

this list is not have any relation with the things that HyperDbg holds for each event in the kernel


◆ g_EventTraceInitialized

BOOLEAN g_EventTraceInitialized = FALSE

it shows whether the debugger started using events or not or in other words, is g_EventTrace initialized with a variable or it is empty

◆ g_ExecutingScript

BOOLEAN g_ExecutingScript = FALSE

Shows whether the target is executing a script form '.script' command or executing script by an argument.

◆ g_HwdbgInstanceInfo


Instance information of the current hwdbg debuggee.

◆ g_HwdbgInstanceInfoIsValid

BOOLEAN g_HwdbgInstanceInfoIsValid

Shows whether the instance info is valid (received) or not.

◆ g_HwdbgPortConfiguration

std::vector<UINT32> g_HwdbgPortConfiguration

Ports configuration of hwdbg.

◆ g_IgnoreNewLoggingMessages

BOOLEAN g_IgnoreNewLoggingMessages = FALSE

Shows if the debugger should show debuggee's messages or not.

◆ g_IgnorePauseRequests

BOOLEAN g_IgnorePauseRequests = FALSE

Show whether the pause request (CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK) should be ignored or not.

◆ g_InterpreterCountOfOpenCurlyBrackets

UINT32 g_InterpreterCountOfOpenCurlyBrackets = 0

Keeps the trace of curly brackets in the interpreter.

◆ g_IsCommandListInitialized

BOOLEAN g_IsCommandListInitialized = FALSE

Is list of command initialized.

◆ g_IsConnectedToHyperDbgLocally

BOOLEAN g_IsConnectedToHyperDbgLocally = FALSE

Shows whether the user is allowed to use 'load' command to load modules locally in VMI (virtual machine introspection) mode.

◆ g_IsConnectedToRemoteDebuggee

BOOLEAN g_IsConnectedToRemoteDebuggee = FALSE

Shows whether the current debugger is the host and connected to a remote debuggee (guest)

◆ g_IsConnectedToRemoteDebugger

BOOLEAN g_IsConnectedToRemoteDebugger = FALSE

Shows whether the current system is a guest (debuggee) and a remote debugger is connected to this system.

◆ g_IsDebuggeeInHandshakingPhase

BOOLEAN g_IsDebuggeeInHandshakingPhase = FALSE

Shows if the debuggee is in the handshake phase or not.

◆ g_IsDebuggeeRunning

BOOLEAN g_IsDebuggeeRunning = FALSE

Shows if the debuggee is running or not.

◆ g_IsDebuggerConntectedToNamedPipe

BOOLEAN g_IsDebuggerConntectedToNamedPipe = FALSE

Shows if the debugger is connected to the guest using named pipe.

◆ g_IsDebuggerModulesLoaded

BOOLEAN g_IsDebuggerModulesLoaded = FALSE

this variable is used to indicate that modules are loaded so we make sure to later use a trace of loading in 'unload' command (used in Debugger VMM)

◆ g_IsDriverLoadedSuccessfully

HANDLE g_IsDriverLoadedSuccessfully = NULL

Handle to show that if the debugger is loaded successfully.

◆ g_IsEndOfMessageReceived

BOOLEAN g_IsEndOfMessageReceived = FALSE

variable to keep track if the end of the message received (for showing signature)

◆ g_IsExecutingSymbolLoadingRoutines

BOOLEAN g_IsExecutingSymbolLoadingRoutines = FALSE

Executing symbol reloading or downloading routines.

◆ g_IsInstrumentingInstructions

BOOLEAN g_IsInstrumentingInstructions = FALSE

Shows whether the user is running 't', 'p', or 'i' command.

◆ g_IsInterpreterOnString

BOOLEAN g_IsInterpreterOnString = FALSE

shows whether the interpreter is currently on a string or not

◆ g_IsInterpreterPreviousCharacterABackSlash

BOOLEAN g_IsInterpreterPreviousCharacterABackSlash = FALSE

Is interpreter encountered a back slash at previous run.

◆ g_IsRunningInstruction32Bit

BOOLEAN g_IsRunningInstruction32Bit = FALSE

whether the Current executing instructions is 32-bit or 64 bit

◆ g_IsSerialConnectedToRemoteDebuggee

BOOLEAN g_IsSerialConnectedToRemoteDebuggee = FALSE

Shows if the debugger was connected to remote debuggee over (A remote guest)

◆ g_IsSerialConnectedToRemoteDebugger

BOOLEAN g_IsSerialConnectedToRemoteDebugger = FALSE

Shows if the debugger was connected to remote debugger (A remote host)

◆ g_IsUserDebuggerInitialized

BOOLEAN g_IsUserDebuggerInitialized = FALSE

Whether the user debugger is initialized or not.

◆ g_IsVmxOffProcessStart

BOOLEAN g_IsVmxOffProcessStart

Shows whether the vmxoff process start or not.

◆ g_KernelBaseAddress

UINT64 g_KernelBaseAddress

Shows the kernel base address.

◆ g_KernelSyncronizationObjectsHandleTable

In debugger (not debuggee), we save the handle of the user-mode listening thread for pauses here for kernel debugger.


◆ g_LogOpened


Shows whether the '.logopen' command is executed and the log file is open or not.

◆ g_LogOpenFile

ofstream g_LogOpenFile

The object of log file ('.logopen' command)

◆ g_MessageHandler

PVOID g_MessageHandler = 0

The handler for ShowMessages function this is because the user might choose not to use printf and instead use his/her handler for showing messages.

◆ g_MessageHandlerSharedBuffer

PVOID g_MessageHandlerSharedBuffer = 0

The shared buffer for the handler of ShowMessages function.

◆ g_OutputSources

LIST_ENTRY g_OutputSources = {0}

Holds a list of output sources created by output command.

user-mode events and output sources are two separate things in HyperDbg


◆ g_OutputSourcesInitialized

BOOLEAN g_OutputSourcesInitialized = FALSE

it shows whether the debugger started using output sources or not or in other words, is g_OutputSources initialized with a variable or it is empty

◆ g_OutputSourceTag

This variable holds the trace and generate numbers for unique tag of the output resources.

◆ g_OverlappedIoStructureForReadDebuggee

OVERLAPPED g_OverlappedIoStructureForReadDebuggee = {0}

◆ g_OverlappedIoStructureForReadDebugger

OVERLAPPED g_OverlappedIoStructureForReadDebugger = {0}

This is an OVERLAPPED structure for managing simultaneous read and writes for debugger (in current design debuggee is not needed to write simultaneously but it's needed for write)


◆ g_OverlappedIoStructureForWriteDebugger

OVERLAPPED g_OverlappedIoStructureForWriteDebugger = {0}

◆ g_ProcessIdOfLatestStartingProcess

UINT32 g_ProcessIdOfLatestStartingProcess = NULL

The process id of the latest starting process.

◆ g_RdtscAverage

UINT64 g_RdtscAverage = 0

The average calculated from the measurements of rdtsc/p '!measure' command.

◆ g_RdtscMedian

UINT64 g_RdtscMedian = 0

The median calculated from the measurements of rdtsc/p '!measure' command.

◆ g_RdtscStandardDeviation

UINT64 g_RdtscStandardDeviation = 0

The standard deviation calculated from the measurements of rdtsc/p '!measure' command.

◆ g_RemoteDebuggeeListeningThread

HANDLE g_RemoteDebuggeeListeningThread = NULL

In debugger (not debuggee), we save the ip of server debuggee in this variable to use it later e.g, in signature.

◆ g_ResultOfEvaluatedExpression

UINT64 g_ResultOfEvaluatedExpression = NULL

Result of the expression that is evaluated in the debuggee.

◆ g_RtmSupport

BOOLEAN g_RtmSupport = FALSE

check for RTM support

◆ g_ScriptGlobalVariables

UINT64* g_ScriptGlobalVariables

Holder of global variables for script engine.

Holder of script engines global variables.

◆ g_ScriptLocalVariables

UINT64* g_ScriptLocalVariables

Holder of local variables for script engine.

◆ g_ScriptTempVariables

UINT64* g_ScriptTempVariables

Holder of temp variables for script engine.

◆ g_SerialConnectionAlreadyClosed

BOOLEAN g_SerialConnectionAlreadyClosed = FALSE

In both debuggee and debugger we save the state of the closed connection to avoid double close.

◆ g_SerialListeningThreadHandle

HANDLE g_SerialListeningThreadHandle = NULL

In debuggee and debugger, we save the handle of the user-mode listening thread for pauses here.

◆ g_SerialRemoteComPortHandle

HANDLE g_SerialRemoteComPortHandle = NULL

In debugger (not debuggee), we save the handle of the user-mode listening thread for remote system here.

◆ g_ServerIp

string g_ServerIp = ""

In debugger (not debuggee), we save the port of server debuggee in this variable to use it later e.g, in signature.

◆ g_ServerListenSocket

SOCKET g_ServerListenSocket = {0}

Server in debuggee needs an extra socket.


◆ g_ServerPort

string g_ServerPort = ""

In debugger (not debuggee), we save the port of server debuggee in this variable to use it later e.g, in signature.

◆ g_SeverSocket

SOCKET g_SeverSocket = {0}

The socket object of guest debuggee (not debugger) it is because in HyperDbg, debugger is client and debuggee is a server.


◆ g_SharedEventStatus

BOOLEAN g_SharedEventStatus = FALSE

Shows whether the queried event is enabled or disabled.

◆ g_ShouldPreviousCommandBeContinued

BOOLEAN g_ShouldPreviousCommandBeContinued

Shows whether the previous command should be continued or not.

◆ g_StartCommandPath

std::wstring g_StartCommandPath = L""

the start path used in .start command

◆ g_StartCommandPathAndArguments

std::wstring g_StartCommandPathAndArguments = L""

the start arguments used in .start command

◆ g_SymbolTable


The buffer that stores the details of symbol table.

◆ g_SymbolTableCurrentIndex

UINT32 g_SymbolTableCurrentIndex = NULL

The index to hold the track of added symbols.

◆ g_SymbolTableSize

UINT32 g_SymbolTableSize = NULL

The buffer that stores size of the details of symbol table.

◆ g_TestLocation

TCHAR g_TestLocation[MAX_PATH] = {0}

Holds the location test-hyperdbg.exe.


◆ g_TransparentResultsMeasured

BOOLEAN g_TransparentResultsMeasured = FALSE

Shows whether the user executed and mesaured '!measure' command or not, it is because we want to use these measurements later in '!hide' command.

◆ g_UseCustomDriverLocation

BOOLEAN g_UseCustomDriverLocation = FALSE

Whether the user wants to use a custom driver location or not.

◆ g_UserSyncronizationObjectsHandleTable

In debugger (not debuggee), we save the handle of the user-mode listening thread for pauses here for user debugger.


◆ g_VirtualAddressWidth

UINT32 g_VirtualAddressWidth = 0

Virtual address width for x86 processors.